Sustainability Strategy.

Committed to Our Shared Future.

Responsible Steel Solutions.

At Beritech, we are aware of our obligations and are working towards the overarching sustainability goal of becoming 100% carbon-neutral by 2040.

To achieve this goal, we are focused on the entire value chain, aware that our solutions are part of a larger picture. We aim to work as green as possible, which is why we work closely with our suppliers to ensure we share the same mindset regarding sustainability, corporate governance, and social responsibility.

Key Performance Highlights in 2023.

Environmental Milestones.

  • 100 % green certified electricity supply achieved.
  • Saved 729 tons of CO2e in 2023 from our green certified electricity.
  • Increase in renewable energy from 27 % to 31 %.
  • ISO-14001 achieved.
  • CO₂ baseline and initiation of reporting on sustainability data and goals established.
  • Waste-Sorting Containers installed.

Social Milestones. 

  • ISO-9001 achieved.
  • 500 lux lighting in production hall installed.
  • Enhanced safety at all locations.
  • 100 % of employees answered positively to the survey question: ‘Would you recommend Beritech as a workplace’? 
  • Approx. 250.000 DKK given to social projects.

Governmental Milestones. 

  • 119 more employees (FTEs).
  • 95-98 % supplier adherence to our Code of Conduct.

Aligned With our Suppliers.

We Build the Standard Together.

At Beritech, our commitment to sustainability is a shared journey with our suppliers. We believe that achieving our environmental and ethical goals is possible through close collaboration and mutual understanding. We work together with our suppliers to align on international standards and best practices, focusing on areas such as labor and social policy, health and safety, and environmental impact.

Since April 2023, we’re proud to have reached a milestone where 95-98% of our suppliers have embraced our Code of Conduct or an equivalent standard, reflecting our shared values and dedication to sustainability.

Explore our Code of Conduct here.

Solutions Driven by People.

Our employees are the heart of the company. Without them, we cannot fulfill our ambitious goals and targeted efforts. In the social sphere, we have a focus that extends beyond daily operations, encompassing the well-being of our employees, the communities we operate in, and the broader societal impact of our business activities.

This commitment translates into strict health and safety protocols, ongoing training and development programs, and opportunities for various community initiatives.

Contact us.

If you have any questions, we are always ready to talk with you.

2023 Anne Sh 2023

Head of Marketing & Communications

Anne Kold

2023 Lasser Sh 2023

Quality Director

Lasse Bo Lumholdt Riisager

Our commitment to sustainability and ethics in all aspects of our business is the foundation for our positive development.
Bent Larsen, Group CEO